Safety Culture
At Crescent Drilling & Production, Inc. we understand that a successful job is a safe and environmentally friendly job! As your representative on jobsites, we know that Crescent personnel help set the tone for jobsite HSE performance. We ensure our consultants actively participate in the jobsite safety program and facilitate exceptional HSE by mentoring the work team.
As part of Crescent's commitment to operating responsibly, we have established a Health, Safety & Environmental management system that includes active management participation, training and a written HSE policy. All of Crescent's programs are in full compliance with the requirements of SEMS, OSHA, 30 CFR Part 250 Sub-Part 0 Training, and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE).
The written HSE Policy is designed to:
Demonstrate leadership regarding HSE
Provide a safe/clean work place, safe/proper tools & equipment and safe work procedures
Provide training in the safe performance of individual jobs assuring each employee and contractor recognize that personal safety is a fundamental responsibilities of each individual
Maintain an Incident Prevention Program put into practice by all management, employees and contractors
Recommend that any unsafe conditions, which may contribute to personal injury or environmental incidents, are promptly halted, reported, corrected with immediate action taken to prevent their recurrence
Ensure all accidents are analyzed so that immediate corrective action can be taken
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